On 21st February we held our AGM in the Memorial Hall. We said farewell and grateful thanks to Kelvyn Higgins our Treasurer. Kelvyn has done an excellent job looking after the finances over the last few years as well as tackling many other time consuming projects. He will be greatly missed. We welcomed Geoffrey Coan onto the committee as our new treasurer and we wish him well in this post. Zoe Wempe had decided to step down as secretary after many years’ service for which we are immensely grateful. I am pleased to say that she has agreed to stay on the committee continuing to give us the benefit of her great experience. We are very pleased that Rachel Lovett has stepped up to be secretary. Sarah Burgoine has remained as Chair, Mary Swinden as Vice-Chair and we have also welcomed Lesley Higgins to the committee as our welfare representative.

We have navigated our way through another tricky year and are very grateful for the supportive donations we have received from residents of the villages.

When you read this we will have held our first “in person” quiz for over two years.

We will be holding our Pensioner’s Tea Party on Sunday the 8th May in the Memorial Hall. If you know of anyone who has reached 65, please let us know so they can be included in the invitations.

We are in the process of updating our list of “friends” who would be available to help us on occasions such as the fete and tea party. If you are able to support us in this way please email

Thank You! -Sarah Burgoine

On 21st February we held our AGM in the Memorial Hall. We said farewell and grateful thanks to Kelvyn Higgins our Treasurer. Kelvyn has done an excellent job looking after the finances over the last few years as well as tackling many other time consuming projects. He will be greatly missed. We welcomed Geoffrey Coan onto the committee as our new treasurer and we wish him well in this post. Zoe Wempe had decided to step down as secretary after many years’ service for which we are immensely grateful. I am pleased to say that she has agreed to stay on the committee continuing to give us the benefit of her great experience. We are very pleased that Rachel Lovett has stepped up to be secretary. Sarah Burgoine has remained as Chair, Mary Swinden as Vice-Chair and we have also welcomed Lesley Higgins to the committee as our welfare representative.

We have navigated our way through another tricky year and are very grateful for the supportive donations we have received from residents of the villages.

When you read this we will have held our first “in person” quiz for over two years.

We will be holding our Pensioner’s Tea Party on Sunday the 8th May in the Memorial Hall. If you know of anyone who has reached 65, please let us know so they can be included in the invitations.

We are in the process of updating our list of “friends” who would be available to help us on occasions such as the fete and tea party. If you are able to support us in this way please email

Thank You! -Sarah Burgoine